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Radovan Karadžić (1945 - )

He was the leader of Serbs from Bosnia, and the first President of Republika Srpska from 1992 to 1996.


Straight after, he was a fugitive and escaped from numerous attempt to arrest him, as in Vienna in 2007 when he had the false name Petar Glumac.

He created a new identity, an expert in alternative medicine using the fake name "D.D. David" printed on his business cards. He lectured in front of hundreds of people on alternative medicine.

He was finally arrested in July 2008 in Belgrade. Nobody is officially sure about who was actually responsible for his arrest, but it is supposed that pressures have been made on Serbia. He was transferred to The Hague straight after.

Karadžić was accused by the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) of :

- responsability for numerous war crimes as in Srebrenica massacre and the Sarajevo siege. He is accused of having ordered both of them, and having organised more genocides.

- responsability for the death of more than 7500 Muslims.

- ordered of taking UN personnal as hostage in may/june 1995.

More legally :

- Five counts of crimes against humanity

- Three counts of violations of the laws of war

- One count of grave breaches of the Geneva Conventions (willful killing).

- Unlawful transfer of civilians because of religious or national identity.

Roll over the 90's Karadžić to discover the fugitive one, and then click to see him after his capture

On last 24 March, he was found guilty of genocide (especially in Srebrenica), war crimes and crimes against humanity, persecution, extermination, deportation, forcible transfer and murder. He was sentenced to 40 imprisonment.

Let's take a look at this case, one of the most famous in international justice !