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October 30th : ceasefire.

December 14th, 1995

Dayton Agreement

May 25th : creation of the International Criminal Tribunal for former Yugoslavia.

August 30th : NATO airstrikes against Serbian troops


April 4th : Serbian attack on the safe area of Gorazde : the NATO replies.

Feburary 29th - March 2nd : referendum on the independence of Bosnia & Herzegovina -> 98% of "yes", but with 63% of turnout (Serbians had boycotted).

The Yugoslav National Army (JNA), which was mainly composed by Serbs, withdrew from the country but most of the weaponry and high-range military officers was kept by the Army of Republika Srpska (VRS). The Croats from Bosnia were already organized with the Croatian Defense Council (HVO).

During the second mi-80’s, Yugolavian politics saw an increasing influence of Serb nationalism, with Milošević for instance.

In 1991, Bosnia-Herzegovina was already a multicultural state : 44% of muslim Bosniaks ; 32,5% of orthodox Serbs ; 17% of catholic Croats.

1991 : after the independences of Slovenia & Croatia (with fights against the central Yugoslavian state), the Community of Herzeg-Bosnia, a Croatian part of the former Bosnia-Herzegovina, declared its own : the dismantling of the former Socialist Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina (part of Yougoslavia) started. And with it, the background for a 4 years war full of ethnic issues...

July 7th-11th : Serbian forces take the safe area of Srebrenica, and commit a massacre there.

June : Serbian attacks on the Srebrenica “safe area” lead the U.N. Security Council to authorize the use of air power “to support UNPROFOR in the performance of its mandate.” The resolution establishes a “dual key” arrangement between the U.N. and NATO in control of tactical air power responding to Serbian attacks.

May 30th : resolution 757 of the UN Security council -> embargo on Serbia & Montenegro, and end of cultural relations. Serbia is accused of being responsible for the beginning of the crisis.

April 6th : European Union recognizes Bosnie-Herzgeovina. The same day, start of the siege of Sarajevo by VRS supported by Serbian forces.

April 5th : peaceful demonstration in front of the Parliament in Sarajevo and start of the fightings.

January 9th : declaration of independence of the Serbian Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, later renamed into Republika Srpska.




January : former allies Croats and Bosniaks start an open conflict between each other.

August 20th : Owen-Stoltenberg peace plan : division of Bosnia-Herzegovina in 3 republics : Serbian republic (51% of the territory), Bosniak one (30%) and Croatian one (16%)

September 27th : proclamation of the autonomy of West Bosnia province, which fights against other muslim Bosniaks.

May 6th : creation of 6 safe areas by the UN : Sarajevo, Tuzla, Zepa, Bihac, Gorazde et Srebrenica.

March 18th : agreement in Washington which ends hostilities between Croats and Bosniaks.


The Bosnian war (1992 - 1995)


Core parties of the conflict

Chronology of the conflict

NATO, in 1994 & 1995

The Croatian Defense Council, supported by Croatia

Bosnia-Herzegovina forces, mostly composed of muslim Bosniaks, also supported by some mujaheddins

Army of Republika Srpska, supported by Federal governement (mostly Serbian)

Changes on ethnic distribution, due to the conflict


Sarajevo Parliament

Some statistics about the conflict, the worst in Europe since World War II


2.2 millions of displaced people, according to the UNHCR

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